ACTORS-- Dreaming about your favorite actor/actress means that you share or wish to share a common personality/physical trait with them AMUSEMENT PARKS-- You see you life as intersting, entertaining and as an adventure. ATTIC-- This symbolizes a confidence in yourself, or a growing confidence. YOu are accomplishing lots and living up to your dreams. BABIES-- Dreaming of Babies mean a renewal or change in your life. BLOOD-- You are experiencing a difficult time in your life, where you are having trouble coping. Burial-- This symbolizes the ending of a 'stage' in your life, which isn't neccessarily a bad thing! CEMETERY-- Dreaming of cemeteries mean you have unresolved grief, or are presently unhappy. COFFINS-- Coffins symbolize a lack of energy, and lack of motivation. DANCING-- A feeling of joy and happiness with your life. DROWNING-- This means you are releasing your emotions, so you can make a freash start. FIRE-- Fire represents fear and anger. KISSING-- You are happy with your life. LOVE-- You feel a sense of acciptance and belonging in life. SHOPPING-- You know exactly where you are headed in life. SWINNING-- You are having difficulty 'navigating' yourself through life, and finding your direction. WEDDING-- You are growing in self-awareness and confidence. | |